herzliya beach restaurant
We can say about Herzliya that she is Tel Aviv rich sister, or call it as the Silicon Valley of Israel. The concentration of high-tech enterprises in the industrial parks of Herzliya is the highest in this country. It develops the most advanced technologies used in the future in a variety of industries. This small city is able to bring Israel the greatest incomes: rural, military industry (Israel’s military industry does not have experience), medicine (the country’s efficiency is famous throughout the world). And there are many Herzliya beach restaurants for tourists and businessmen.

Herzliya is recognized as the most successful city for both business meetings and a wonderful and memorable holiday. The world-famous network of expensive and prestigious Ritz Carlton hotel, opening its first hotel in Israel’s Herzliya pituah, commented on its choice, the perfect combination in the city of various conditions for those who want to run a business or improve their skills at various conferences and symposia, improve their health or just eat out at Herzliya beach restaurants. The level of the new open hotel Herzeliya Ritz Carlton exceeds all previously known hotels in the city and in the country. Even such popular places as the Hotel Sharon or the Hotel Daniel, somewhat lose the luxury of the handsome erected.
If you do not want to spend a lot of money, but feel the real luxury of Israeli national cuisine, there are many Herzliya beach restaurants here. Experienced chefs are always happy to cook you delicious dishes using Israeli ingredients. It was here that hundreds of years ago hummus and falafel appeared. Have you tried these legendary dishes in their homeland?